Can Spirituality be an antidote to stress

Stress is one aspect of life that is making too many people's lives bitter. Stress is like friction in a machine. Stress is not a part of life. If you know how to manage your body, your mind, your emotions and your energy, there's no question of stress.

Most people think it is their job, it is their family, it's their life situation, it's the taxes, it's the unpaid bills, which are stressful. Stress is essentially your inability to manage your system - that is there is not enough lubrication in the system to function smoothly and easily. Life situations are always there for everyone, but each person manages them differently depending on how smoothly his or her system……functions within itself. 

If you know how to manage this (Referring to oneself) human system or this human mechanism, then there's no question of stress.

 What causes stress


 Today we are dealing with a lot of pressure and are living to please others rather than being true to ourselves. How to deal with this?

What you have to do in the world is different. How you do it is different. When you talk about pressure, you are not talking about what to do and what not to do. 

You are talking about the 'how' of life. If running a design school is becoming a big pressure, living as a businessperson is becoming a pressure. So the pressure is not because of the job or the position that you have taken.


Why are pressure and stress happening


 It's because you don't know how to conduct your body, how to conduct your mind and how to conduct your emotions. This human mechanism is the most sophisticated gadget on the planet. If you deal with that, outside situations are a play. To what extent can you play? You don't have to play like somebody else, but you must play it to the best of your capability. But when you are stressed, even silly things cannot be done. 

So does it mean that happiness can only come when you achieve success? 

Only, if you are happy, your body and mind can function at their best. Your success is not just about your competence, there's also a situation. How all these things come together-that will lead to a certain level of success.

The way you are is the first step. What you do is the next step. But everybody is trying to fix it the other way around and it will never work. 

If you create any tension either in the body or in the mind 

If you do so, you don't need another enemy in your life, not just in terms of physical health, but in many different ways, you understand? You will turn your life energies against you. 

Today we know very clearly that people who are going through excessive tension, definitely are inviting ailments, there is no question about it.

Medically it's a proven fact

But much more than that is happening, you are not inviting health situations, health or ill health situations, you are inviting a whole host of problems in the world, because of how or in what way you reverberate, accordingly you draw those types of situations towards yourself, that kind of people towards yourself, that kind of ultimate results to your own life. 

Hence, what we are talking about is not just about beating the stress, but living an alternate lifestyle 

How can spirituality be an antidote to stress 

Daily practices such as praying and chanting may help reduce stress.

Even the person who often appears to be calm and collected isn’t immune to the long-term effects of stress.

Tensions from work, finances, friendships, and family life can feel like a permanent weight on your shoulders, affecting your mind and body. Over time, chronic stress can make you more vulnerable to mental health conditions such as depression and anxiety.

Safe, healthy coping mechanisms to regulate stress can make a huge difference in your long-term health.

Spiritual practices — such as prayer, chanting, and reading spiritual texts — can be used as coping strategies.



When you learn that stress is happening to you, be assured of your inability to manage your own system.  The first thing is you have to work on yourself. You can bring your system to a frictionless  state of functioning with simple practices,

Yogic sciences have a whole array of practices.   

To be successful in the world, two fundamental qualities are that you must be able to harness the processing of your mind and body and put them into sync.





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