What is Fashion Culture

fashion culture

What is Fashion culture 

Fashion is the style and custom that is adopted in a given period and it keeps on changing from time to time. As the world progresses toward the innovation of more powerful machines which are easy to manipulate, on the other hand, fashion is not left behind. Different types of clothes made from different materials and designs have made people change their mode of dressing. Smartness may vary from one person to the other. To wear a pair of jeans while attending an official duty was seen as indecent, but nowadays one can wear it as some jeans look like official wear and match best with shirts. The question arises here: What is fast fashion, this what that today's generation follows these days? 


     What all comes in fashion

What is a fashion culture and what are we following these days? 

Fashion can not only be on the clothes design but also the undergarments, caps and all that entails dressing in general. Nowadays different clothes suit different occasions. Certain clothes are best for music; there are those for afro music, and they like wearing big clothes and the hairstyle will also reveal the type of music. The rock stars will dress in ladies-like clothes which are tight and shiny. In the past, their clothes were for general purposes. There were no specific clothes for specific functions except for the wedding gown which one could know was meant for a bride.

What is a fashion show in these times 

What is fast fashion? A fashion show is a fashion industry event, lasting approximately one week, where fashion designers, brands or "houses" display their latest collections in runway fashion shows to buyers and the media. These events influence the upcoming fashion trends for the current and approaching season.

What is fashion and what are we following these 

The most prominent fashion weeks are held in the fashion capitals of the world— in chronological order, New York, London, Milan, and Paris, or the "Big Four", with exquisite fashion heritage, structured organization, and the most vaunted fashion designers of the last century, the four cities considered the main fashion capitals of the 21st century, and which receive the majority of press coverage.

              Do the fashion brands  portray the real fashion ongoing in the market 

In the 21st century, the style trends of the fashion industry dominate the world more than they ever did and control not only the way people dress but also trends in homeware design, makeup fashion and people’s overall attitudes. In the 60s flower power did not only mean flares and tunics, but it also summed up the whole attitude of a generation, and this is even more prominent today. The thing which counts is what style suits me. This is the major factor which decides one's choice of clothes and what makes her look beautiful, even if it is a frock, tunic or swimsuit. 


       How bold today's fashion is 

Nowadays, fashion is bold and daring, and this reflects a noughties generation that is not afraid to say what they think or wear what they want. Fashion is not just a means of clothing your body, it is the essence of your personality and beliefs, and designers are well aware of the power they hold. Designers’ predictions and designs for the coming season are more hotly anticipated than any other revelation in the world.

Who's more inclined to fashion, men or women 

There are clothes meant for summer, others for winter, spring and autumn and this is a result of fashion. Women are the ones who are greatly affected by fashion trends and they always want to be the first to have a certain fashion that is new in the market. Hair is also included as part of the fashion as there are many different hairstyles.

                  The advantage of fashion  


The advantage of fashion is it has brought civilization and the discovery of another textile that is durable, and long-lasting. Most people observe fashion as a western habit which occurred mainly during their economic or social change but in a real sense nowadays fashion is experienced in every corner of the world with every community coming up with a mode of fashion that identifies them. On the other hand, fashion has played a big role in creating employment opportunities and it is among the well-paying jobs. 


                       Disadvantages of Following Fashion Trends

•Following fashion trends can be costly.

•You will have to buy new clothes quite often.

•Bad for our environment.

•Your happiness should not depend 

  on your style                       

•May lead to shallow values in our society.

•Time could be better spent on other hobbies.

                     Does your beauty depend on fashion 


 Permanent beauty does not consist of symmetry of form, the dignity of mien, the gracefulness of colour or the regularity of features because age and disease to which we are all liable and from which no one is exempt, will sooner or later destroy all these.

Permanent Beauty is that which consists of purity of mind, the sanctity of heart, gracefulness of manners and chasteness in conversation. 

If the outer form is handsome then it appears to be of great advantage, even if is not so, even then the inner better beauty is as easily discerned and as justly appreciated.

Hence fashion can enhance your   

looks, but can never make you beautiful


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