Through Hard Times

Whenever something hurts you, there are two options. You can either become wounded o[r you can become wise, this is a choice. And many things that don't work out in your early life, you will see later on are a great blessing. Is it not very very important that your intelligence stands up for you? The question is do you want to allow yourself to be fully shattered? That's the question

What happens if we face adverse situations 

Even if you are put through the most horrible situations, either you can come out using that experience as a better human being or you can use the experience to become a horrible mess. Most people are carrying such huge baggage on their heads as if they are carrying this whole universe on their heads. This is their own psychological condition.

Are you suffering from life or memory?             

Memory. What may happen the day after tomorrow, you are already suffering. Are you suffering from life or imagination? Your existence is constantly in engagement with the universe, but your mind becomes against the universe. The only problem, really, with life is just this- most human beings have taken themselves too seriously. 

If we take away half your brain, of course, you will sit there without any anxiety, without any suffering, peacefully. 

What we need is to remove your brain because you are suffering from your own intelligence, if you create a psychological condition you compete with the universe or the cosmos, obviously. You feel crushed by small things, now this is what you are suffering, what happened 10 years ago, and you still suffer, why?   When will you learn to handle my thoughts, how to handle my body, and how handle my chemistry? When are you going to figure this out, at the end of your  

What is that one hope a person can cling on to, even when he is fully-shattered 

Take a vow, that if I speak to anybody in my life, I will speak in such a way, if it's my last word, I will not regret it. This one thing will transform you in such a way, that you will no longer regret anything.

If someone hurts you, there are two options: you can become wounded or wise. 

This is the choice. The more things hurt you, early in your life, the wiser you should become. But unfortunately, most people become wounded simply because they just need an excuse to turn their own intelligence against themselves, that's all. 

Especially, if the world around you turns against you, it's not very very important that your 'intelligence, it's very very important that your intelligence stands up for you.

How do we handle hard times in life? 

In life there are many phases where we feel depressed, we are lonely, and when everybody is against us and there is no one to guide us and talk about it, at that moment, how should we handle it or how should we deal with it?

This is an unfortunate condition that a whole lot of human beings experience, in their personal experience, life is like me versus the universe. Competing with the universe is a stupid thing to do, that's not a competition you must get into. This is why we are asked to do Yoga. Yoga does not mean twisting and turning your body. The word yoga means 'Union'. Even if you feel utterly lonely, you are still breathing.  So you are transacting with the world. 

When are you going to figure out how to handle your thought and emotion, not hers, not hers, not his, yours?

The only problem really with life is just this, most human beings have taken themselves too seriously 

If you take these small things so seriously like you failed your examination, maybe, you got fired from a job, maybe you got somebody ditched you, maybe something else like this happened. These are all small things between life and death because you came here with nothing and will go from here with nothing. 

  Coming the facts

When you go through hard times, accept the situation

•Focus on things within your control. ...

•Accept change by looking to your past. ...

•Prioritize relationships. …

•Don't withdraw in tough times. ...

•Try to avoid negative people. ...

•Expand your social network. ...

•Get enough exercise. ...

•Practice a “mind and body”    relaxation technique.


Your problems, you must fix them.

Hard times are a part of life. Life is not fair to everyone. Sometimes these difficult times become long and overwhelming, but what you make out of these bad times makes a difference. Whether you become a victim or wiser, it's totally up to you 


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