Overcome the fear of being judged

 Whichever way people judge you, it should have  absolutely no impact on you, because you are completely unaffected. But you have not given this privilege to anybody so that somebody can make you happy and the other one can make you sad. Any moment, you could be doing something wrong, so you listen to everybody, but what they say will not determine how you are.

             In our life, why are we so apprehensive about being judged by others

One should be least bothered about what other people judge about you whichever way they want, you have shaped yourself in such a way that you have not lost your judgement at all.

Let people judge you whichever way they want to, it should not have any impact on you.

             Today’s generation is suffering to be judged by others

When today’s youth feel insecure about others being judgemental by others, keeping their intelligence at stake, they will fall back on chemicals. If today,  just to take very affluent societies, because every society is aspiring to be a little like that. Let’s take the example of The United  States, which is the most affluent nation on the planet, right now. Seventy percent of the US population is on prescription medication. The most affluent nation. Obviously, affluence is not working- to be healthy, you need chemicals, to be joyful, you need chemicals, to be peaceful, you need chemicals. If ninety percent of this population right now, is on chemicals, just think, the next generation that we produce, will be a generation which is much fewer than us. If we produce the next generation fewer than ourselves, we have committed a crime against humanity, Because the next generation must be one step ahead of us, otherwise we’ve lost the entire process of civilization, when we produce a next generation which is actually fewer than us. 

How can we teach individual human beings how to simply sit here and be blissed out 

One should be conscious enough, alert enough, clear enough. If there was a way to intoxicate yourself without losing your judgement, without losing your awareness, without losing your intelligence, it’s a great thing. Intoxication is a fantastic thing, only problem is, it takes away your judgement, it takes away your intelligence, incapacitates you. 

 Is it true that this body here is the greatest chemical factory in the universe right now   

It is absolutely true, the only problem is that you are a lousy manager. If you know how to manage this, you would always be blissed out.  Anybody can say what they want, anybody can do what they want, like this only. Because I have not given this privilege to anybody, that somebody can make me happy, somebody can make me unhappy, somebody can make me miserable. Right now you are a consequence of other people’s opinions, where do you plan to go like this? Anybody can ruin you. We should listen to everybody, because we could be doing something wrong. But what they say, will not determine how I am. 

    How can you not let others judgement come in the way of your being happy

We've all been affected at some point in our lives by something someone else said about us. Words can be hurtful and leave us feeling powerless and vulnerable. In time, people's words and perceptions of us can actually shape our own beliefs about ourselves. This can lead to fear of judgement by others and infringe on so many aspects of our lives as we navigate through relationships, jobs, social situations and even self-care. Without guidance, getting a grip on ways to overcome fear of judgement can be difficult to tackle. Don't invite judgement.

Stop judging yourself

Don't assume people are judgmental a-holes, Stop chasing people's approval, Be happy, Get a power posse, Don't invite judgements


All over the world, it turns out, people judge others on two main qualities: warmth (whether they are friendly and well intentioned) and competence (whether they have the ability to deliver on those intentions).

Notice when judgments arise. Witness whatever comes up in the body or mind in conjunction with that judgement. Recognize the thoughts that are there without denouncing them or clinging to them. Move forward with clarity, staying present to the experience at hand.


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