Manifestation of an ill mind

 Indications of ill mind

The main warning signs of mental illness are as follows:

•Excessive paranoia, worry, or anxiety.

•Long-lasting sadness or irritability.

•Extreme changes in moods.

•Social withdrawal.

•Dramatic changes in eating or sleeping patterns.


Symptoms of ill mind

•Feeling sad or down.

•Confused thinking or reduced ability to concentrate.

•Excessive fears or worries, or extreme feelings of guilt.

•Extreme mood changes of highs 

and lows.

•Withdrawal from friends and activities.

•Significant tiredness, low energy or problems sleeping.


What kind of symptoms does an ill mind show

Thirty per cent of the illnesses are body and the rest are mind created. You may be wondering in case you do get an illness that it's the mind created or it's the body.

And if it is psychosomatic, what would be the emotional and thought pattern that's behind it? 

How would you find that out and correct it if possible?

What does the mind do? 

It gets up, pops around, hurts you, pokes you, makes you cry, makes you suffer, aren't you sick?

If your thoughts and emotions start strangling you and torturing you every day, aren't you sick? 

 What will arise, if this sickness in your mind persists

It will manifest in so many ways in your physical body. There is no question anymore. Every thought, every reverberation on the level of your mind, depends upon the type of reverberation you create. The whole chemistry is going through a change, it's all measured. Right now you sit here and think about tigers, you have one kind of chemistry, chemical changes happen. You think about flowers, you think about flowers and another kind of chemical change happens. So, for every thought, if the whole chemistry is going through this, if your mind is in this state, you know what kind of soup you are making for yourself. It is a lousy soup, not only lousy it is a poisonous soup

       How will your well-being improve 

It will not happen this way. Modern societies have started taking disease or ailment as a natural process which is a serious mistake. Ancient societies always saw disease as something wrong that's not how a man should be.

A human being should not be in any state of illness. Illness means something fundamentally wrong.

         What happens when you 

create good chemistry within you

If the chemistry within you is in a fantastic state, to be blissful is natural. If you do this, seventy per cent of your ailments will vanish, and for another 30 per cent, there are many external influences which are not in control. You cannot control them, only to a certain extent

 If you are constantly creating nasty chemistry within you

How is life within you supposed to understand you are seeking wellbeing?

Life within you thinks, "He likes ailments” and gives them to you. If you are poisoning your system from within, for which there is substantial proof. For every thought and emotion, the chemical composition of your body is changing. If you are creating poison from within you and you want to live well, how is it?

Life doesn't work like that.

Unless you do the right things, the right things will not happen to you.


And when it goes beyond a certain point, can you get totally possessed by your thought 

Almost ninety per cent of human suffering is just this. 

•You are consumed by thoughts 

Lethargy comes from the overconsumption of either food or thought.

One may think about how overconsumption of thought would become lethargy, though everyone can understand how overconsumption of food definitely brings lethargy

If you become consumed by lethargy, you will see you would like not to move out of your bed. It did not refer to thinking. It means consumption of thought. That means thought is continuously flowing without your efforts, without your focus, without your intent. 

Once it becomes like this, you will see naturally that you feel like avoiding physical activity.

What will happen if you start avoiding physical activity? 

When it goes beyond a certain point, you will get totally possessed by your thoughts. There are ugly names to describe that in medical terms.

Thinking consciously and just consuming and living upon a thought or being consumed by thought are very different things. That is an unfortunate reality that for a whole lot of people, this distinction is not apparent. And the price that humanity is paying for that is not fair.

•Strong conclusions have imprisoned you in your mind 

The conclusions that you make in your mind, will seriously impede your ability to experience life. The stronger your conclusions are, the more you get identified by them. The more the psychological reality you have seems existential.

Almost 90% of the human suffering is just this, you misunderstand your psychological drama to be real. It's your drama. If you are a good director, you can make it the way you want it. Otherwise, it is happening haphazardly.

It's time you live on this planet to experience the beauty of creation.

And also the presence of the creator in this creation.

Just pay enough attention to every aspect of the creation and you will see the presence of the source of the creation in it.

This is what you need to experience.

The most fundamental aspect that you need to take care of is that you don't make conclusions.

•You use your intellect in every aspect of life 

If you apply only your intellect, ignoring other aspects of your intelligence. You will get confused about every little thing in your life. Because the intellect is a cutting instrument. It's like a knife. If you want to dissect, it's a good instrument. But if you sew with a knife, you will be left in tatters. That is what most human beings are experiencing right now, that they are using a cutting instrument, to stitch to put things together.


Within yourself, you have split yourself into many people by cutting yourself into pieces, because this is the process of dissection. If you use only your intellect in every dimension of life, this is where you will get it. 

One day, you will get schizophrenic.

So the other dimensions of intelligence must come alive within you. As far as those dimensions are alive, your heart wouldn't beat, and your liver wouldn't function, your kidney wouldn't function. The other dimensions of intelligence must come alive within you, which should be explored and brought alive to your conscious nature 


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