How great men behave


If this one thing everybody settles within himself, we will use this mind to the best of its capabilities.

You cannot function in the world without a personality But you don’t have to be stuck with one persona. When you consciously wear it, it is there for the function, but you don’t become that.

                                     Are you a good sleeper

 The worst crime we had done against humanity is that we have planted this idea of heaven    

  in people’s heads. The next five years are crucial for making this nation cross a few 

  thresholds. Let us all get together and make this happen. The body doesn’t need sleep, it needs restfulness. If you know how to keep yourself restful, the sleep quota will just go down. 

                                         That’s a good point, isn’t it?   

When action, we want to be successful. There’s no question but today you watch all the successful people, they are spreading a message, “Success is misery, success is suffering”. Once you spread this message, the next generation will not seek success. This may not be articulated in their mind but they will not seek success because they’re looking at the successful ‘you’ and they don’t want to be like you. They think they’re better off smoking pot and they are!!! 

                     What is the most important thing for your success?

For you to be successful, the most important thing is, your pleasantness in the body, pleasantness in your mind, pleasantness in the emotion, and pleasantness in your life


 We complicate our lives to a ridiculous extent because see that’s just the way of the       world

  There is no such thing as too much, human beings are geared to do a lot. The problem is 

  most human beings, their mind is against them. When your intelligence turns against you,    

  then you are finished. You may call it to stress, you may call it anxiety, you may call  

  it misery, madness, whatever you like. Essentially it’s your Intelligence turning against



                                Consciousness is not something strange

Consciousness is not some strange thing happening somewhere. You are alive and you 

are….know that you are alive because you are conscious. If you are unconscious, you don’t even know whether you are alive or dead. You don’t even know whether you exist or not.   

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     How conscious are you?

You are conscious. But the question is how conscious you are?  So right now let us see consciousness as light. Let's say there’s just one light in a hall. We did it, now it shows only the two people who are closer to you, other people are missing in my vision. What do I think? I think only these two people exist in the hall. You brightened it up, I suddenly see four people, oh suddenly four people are there in this hall. Now somebody turned it on, oh, ten people are there. They put it on full brightness, now I see everything and everybody in all detail. This is what consciousness is when everybody is conscious.

The only thing required is that you are fully awake, and then the entire creation is under your perception           

Coming to the facts 

 Things the Most Successful People Do That Make Them Great

Here are the three key habits of highly successful people who harness the power of their beliefs to cultivate a mindset of success:

•Choose Courage Over Comfort. The road to success can be uphill—and that climb takes courage. ...

• Get Your Head in the Game. ...

• Make (Bigger) Connections

•Wake Up When You Say You're Going To Wake Up. ... 

•Have A Clean Morning Routine (And Dress The Part) ... 

•A Moment Of Mindfulness. ... 

•Regular Meals. ... 

•The Little Moments. ... 

•Free Time Means Free Time. ... 

•Manage Your Money. ... 

•Meet Someone New.                                            


Humility in victory and gracefulness in defeat is the mark of great men. It takes great men to make a great nation. At this time, when the election results are out and people have expressed their will, all of us, whether the contestants who have won or those who have lost, just remember, you only weigh to see, “Who can serve India better?” This is about serving the nation and the people of this nation.                                                                                                                                                       


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